Project Life 2015: Week Eight

I typically place photos into sleeves as I print them. Then, as I find time, I go back and add the journaling and embellishing. As I sat down to work on Week 8, I noticed I hadn’t placed any photos on the left side. Not a single one. I immediately considered the week a wash; however, I had a few stacks of the boys’ school work and artwork sitting behind me and I decided to use the scanning app on my phone. I scanned the pieces of work, printed them on 4×6 matte paper, and LOVE the result. In fact, it might just be one of my most favorite Project Life layouts to date. Kid-made art makes my heart happy…

IMG_5193I loved the frame journal card and knew I wanted to work with it, but the pink background didn’t match my color scheme. I cut out the frame, printed this scanned picture as 1 x 1.5-ish, and it turned out super cute. I plan to do something like this monthly to help alleviate the stacks and stacks of kid work I keep (and have no idea what to do with).


One Comment on “Project Life 2015: Week Eight”

  1. Jackie says:

    So what scanning app did you use??

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