Summer Bucket List


We have just about survived our first double sport season: baseball. Two boys, two different leagues, two different cities…needless to say, I am desperately looking forward to summer vacation. Visions of easygoing mornings and park play dates dance through my head. With the boys’ help, we came up with our 2014 Summer Bucket List. I fell in love with the me & my BIG ideas Big Alphabet stickers. I absolutely adore the font, the size, the ease of use…

I also updated out Bored Jar to include some of the boys’ new loves:

– Lego Challenge: fill a box/bowl with Lego’s and see how many things they can create.

– Art Journal: Doodle Challenge. I plan to draw a doodle line of some sort and have the boys create a picture around it.

– Yoga: our local cable company has quite a few fun yoga programs for kids. The boys love. It makes me swoon to watch…

– Block City: masking tape + blocks + cars = the boys will play for hours.

– Kinetic Sand Sensory Bins: a huge hit, the boys LOVE this stuff…if you haven’t touched it in person. Find some. It is crazy fun. Think of playing with sand the consistency of fresh brown sugar, minus the stick factor. The boys can build, cut, pretend “cook”…independent play at its finest.


13 more teaching days until summer. Not that I am counting. Totally counting…

Summer Bucket List 2013

bucketlist_edited-1We’ve been busy. The pictures make me smile every time I walk by our Summer Bucket List board. Lots of happy memories being made…


Big, Scary Goal of 2013

Six months ago, I would have never dreamed I would be HERE: no start line, no race bib, no running shoes. Just me and nearly 400 other “rookies” attempting to battle it out at a local CrossFit Rookie Rumble. Many of us hoping to just place “winner” in our own personal categories of goals.

IMG_5429My journey in CrossFit started out of pure curiosity. In search of something new, I took the dive with a good friend. We entered our local cave for our first on ramp class and were nervous, intimidated by the Google images shone across our computer screens the night before. As we worked our way through the on ramp classes, the puzzles pieces began to fall into place. For the first time in our fitness careers, we were learning proper form, being pushed to our limits, and loving it. Each day brought a new workout, a new challenge, a new success.

I worked my way from two WODs a week to three, eventually working to four or five. Sore became the new normal, bruises proud battle scars, and the numbers on the clock my new ideal v those on a scale. There is nothing more bonding than sharing the mutual suffering of an extraordinary workout. Welcoming smiles, a friendly handshake- the people were becoming just as important as the workouts. Which is how, on a seemingly normal Friday afternoon, I was talked into entering a local Rookie Rumble. The thrill of signing up lasted a few days until the REALITY of the comp started to set in. The truth was, I had never even been to a competition. I had no idea what I had got myself into: my big scary goal of 2013 was set in stone. I was comforted by the fact that there would be no seaweed. Or bike shorts (see last year’s big scary goal).

So, as I walked in to register last weekend on competition morning, I was rendered scared and nervous by the sights and sounds of something completely, utterly DIFFERENT. Used to the comfort of a starting line, race bib, and running shoes, I was surrounded by barbells, kettle bells, and chalk. Unlike running a race, there was nowhere to hide, no pack of runners to fall into if you’re having a bad day.

Only seconds into the first WOD, all the faces quickly disappeared. 21-15-9: squat cleans, kettle bell swings, and lateral jumps stood between me and the end of WOD 1. My only real goal: finish. The funny thing, I wasn’t surrounded by competitors, I was surrounded by a massive mob of support: screaming coming from every angle. The judges coaching me, pushing me, encouraging me…

rr2The nerves never went away. I will likely kick myself for a long time over my misinterpretation of a movement in WOD 3. However, overall, I am in awe of the awesomeness and inspiration I witnessed. So many different life stories, ages, sizes, yet we were all THERE doing the SAME thing. The last finisher receiving a bigger applause than the first, the entire audience willing the individual to finish.

I have never been anywhere with so much love, support and camaraderie. No egos, attitude, or negativity to be found. I am grateful I had four fellow cavers to compete with, to help ease my nerves, and to train with. I am also grateful to all those who came out to support, many of whom woke up early on their Sunday morning to drive out to the competition and many of whom completed the comp WODs with us to help us prepare.

When I toe up to a start line of a race, I am often overwhelmed with a sense of accomplishment. The months of training are the hardest part for me. Race day is the prize. I know I’ll finish. I may not get the time I want, but I know I’ll finish. This competition was an entirely different beast. There was no one start, instead, there were three. Each being very different from the one before. The rise and fall of nerves, excitement, and anticipation made for a long day. I have learned a great deal about myself since starting CrossFit. I am stronger than I ever imagined possible, yet have a long way to go. Like running, it will get easier but never easy and there will always be challenging new goals.

For months, I felt like the fish out of water. However, I have never been surrounded by such supportive comrades and friends. Just as I was a reluctant runner, and felt uneasy calling myself one. I feel as though I can reluctantly say, I am a CrossFitter. It has taken me a long time to learn that winning isn’t always about crossing the finish line first. It’s about having heart, determination, and the courage to step out of your comfort zone. THESE are lessons I hope my boys see, live, and learn.

Big, scary goal of 2013: smashed.

2013 Summer Bucket List

IMG_7367Loved and used the Me and My Best Ideas pocket pages journal cards. The colors were perfect. Kept embellishments simple with wood veneers and washi tape. I will clip pictures from our endeavors behind each tag as I did last year:


Our 2013 List:

1. Little Farm

2. Girls Weekend

3. Swim Day

4. Make popsicles

5. Lake of the Pines

6. Movie Date with all three boys

7. Beach Day

8. RUN

9. Vacation

10. Baseball Game

11. Volunteer with the boys

12. Bake a pie from scratch

13. Library Summer Reading Challenge

14. Scrap Night

15. Mini Golf

16. Zoo Day

17. READ

18. Organize toys

19. LAUGH until we cry


Summer Bucket List Mini Album (and Project Life Update)

I have fallen woefully behind with my Project Life. Photos have been taken, printed, cut out, and placed; however, I sit down to journal and embellish…and nothing. I have bought my second album. No matter what I do, I can’t seem to fit an entire year into one album. I decided to divide the first half of the year into one, the second half into another. Unfortunately, both albums sit…sadly alone. I am hoping to find my Project Life chi again in the near future…

Sad, unadorned Project Life photos…love the look of cutting a big photo to fit multiple slots:

In an attempt to “make” something, I decided to try a summer mini album:

A fun way to document our attempts at fulfilling our summer bucket list. Really LOVING my new label maker and loving that the labels bring the entire album together: one thread of continuity.

Having fun with different shaped and sized pages:

A whirlwind of last days started our summer off: last day of school for Jake, last day for Ty…

Last tee-ball game:

First pair of flip flops…

Beginning to knock out bucket list items and including bits and pieces of our summer in the album:

I love how the postcard and book cover add more to our story than a simple photo or journaling of the same:

I have always loved the feel and look of book pages. I think it will be fun to look back on these in years to come…

A small 4 x 4 double-sided photo to change up the size of the pages:

I intend to put the same “bucket list” label on each photo documenting its completion…

It has been a busy kid filled summer. It felt really good to get some crafty goodness completed. I am about half way through the mini album. Looking forward to sharing the finished product…

Summer Bucket List 2012

One full month into Summer and we have knocked quite a few things off our bucket list and made lots of fun memories:

  1. Funderland
  2. Zoo Day
  3. Beach Adventure
  5. Little Farm
  6. Adventure Day
  7. Lake of the Pines
  8. Organize Books
  9. Library Summer Reading Challenge
  10. Discover a new park
  11. Laugh until I cry…
  12. Bake a pie
  13. Run through the sprinklers
  14. Book club
  15. Magic Mountain Playground
  16. Plant something (anything)
  17. Scrap/craft night
  18. Movie date with all three boys
  19. Pro Baseball Game

Summer Bucket List: Lake of the Pines

Summer Bucket List 2012

Nearly two weeks into summer vacation and the boys and I are loving our Summer Bucket List goals…six down!!

Summer 2012 Bucket List

I really enjoyed having goals to work towards last summer and decided to do another family bucket list. I asked the boys and the husband for ideas and wanted to put something together as a visual reminder. I debated a chalkboard but ultimately used the peg board left over from ourĀ Christmas Advent Calendar. The finished board sits in our family room where everyone can see it, the boys are so excited about the tasks they chose and their excitement serves as great motivation to get them all done.

Kept the cards and tags super simple:

I plan to display evidence/keepsakes/photos of our completing each task on the accompanying board. Our Boredom Buster Jar has already got a lot of love, I am really enjoying it and the boys love feeling as though they are “choosing” an activity:

The actual list:

What’s on your summer bucket list?