Sweet Stamp Shop: Weekly Planner Chart for Kids

This particular Sweet Stamp Shop project was inspired by a Mama Homie who made laminated backpack checklists for her boys. My six year old asks daily if it is a school day, a short day, a sneaks day or Chucks day (PE/walking club day or regular day). To help ease his morning spice, I wanted to make him a Weekly Planner Chart. The stamps provided the perfect images. First step, gather supplies: colored pencils, stamps, ink pad, and free weekly chart printable HERE
SSSWeeklyCharteditI love that this chart provides visuals for Jake. It is easy for him to take control of his morning routine and get himself ready accordingly. Tuesdays are library days: make sure your library book is in your backpack. Before bed, make sure you’ve packed your snack. Wednesdays are art days, don’t wear your favorite t-shirts as you may get messy. PE and Walking Club days call for sneaks, no Chucks.

SSSWeekly1editAn overall look. I love the way it came out. Fun, stampy visual reminders could be used for work days, off days, morning and evening routines, meal planning, gym days…so many possibilities. What would you include in a visual reminder chart?

You can find the Sweet Stamp Shop stamps HERE and me HERE.

Thank you for reading!!

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